
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Birthday Time!

Nope. It's not my birthday. It was actually my mom's birthday yesterday! And I'm not going to tell you how old she turned!
Annie, my dad, and I fixed pancakes and eggs for a special breakfast. It was very delicious. After breakfast, Mom opened her presents and cards. (I gave her a pretty cool watch.)

Around 10am, we loaded up the van and truck and drove down to Eldorado Park for bike ride. The leaves on the trees were starting to turn yellow and red and there was a nice breeze blowing. It was extremely lovely.

We rode for about an hour (until some of us got tired) and then packed the bikes back into the cars. We then drove to In-n-Out for a tasty lunch. By then it was around 12pm. After lunch, the boys went home and we girls went with Mom to do some birthday shopping (she had got some birthday money). She found some cute dressy clothes at Ross and then we also drove home. Annie and Emily stayed home, but Mom and I left once more to visit Walmart and do some other errands.
That night, Grandma came for dinner which was Cosco pizza and caesar salad. (yummy!!). We had dessert after dinner, a delicious cake, and then played a round of Pictionary.

Annie's drawing of a man eating corn on the cob. This was after we finished the game.
The day was very enjoyable, and I think Mom had a good time.
Here's to another year with our awesome mother!!


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